

Got back from the meetup a quite long time ago, but editing all the photos and sharing them on the forum took it's time. Also my parents are having a barbeque so I've been helping with that.

The meetaup was amazing! Met a lot of fun new people and I think I'm making friends. Food was great, specially that mudcake! Weather was on our side and we got a few very healthy hours in the sun. Bathing with suncream really was wise! Also I got to use my new camera in real manner! I got lots of lovely ladies to photoshoot and it was nice being "Mr. Popular" because I had a camera with me.

Got totally inspired to buy more Ouji clothes and go to these meeting more often. People were really nice to me, tho I'm such a rocky. I think my clothing order is going in tomorrow or on Monday, so then it'll be only few weeks and I'll get my awesome new stuff. Then I'll get lots of pictures.

Not wearing that much makeup for my Ouji looks.


Had an awesome coffee break with Sallamari, since I was so damn tired. I usually don't like coffee, but I do like cafés! I tried the ice latte at Robert's Coffee and I fucking loved it! Why am I telling you this? I have a blog, I need to take pictures of what I eat. That isn't even my coffee. That's Sallamari's hot chocolate~!

The café sure is cute, but they were showing damn icehockey for several hours! For someone who doesn'r care about ice hockey that was really boring, since everybody was yealling and partying when ever Finland scored or basicly did anything.
They had a huge collection of old phones. From where I sat I could count 7.

I bought some Manic Panic lipsticks last weekend and they came home already! I was supposed to buy just two, but we accidently added one extra to the cart and I'm not regretting yet. I rather like it and I might find some awesome use for it at some point!

I'm not a good lipstick user. Not yet. I'm kinda practicing, since I just never got around using lipstick with my makeups. Now I thought I could start and decided to order some more special colors, since normal reds and pinks aren't my thing.

There are my new wonderful colors!

Me wearing Raven for the first time.

I'm going to a Enfant Terrible lolita meet-up today, so wish me luck! I will possibly update again later today with meeting pictures~!



So, I already had like the "official" birthday update, but I haven't updated on my birthday party! Me and the usual crew gathered around at Michaela's house again and this time alcohol was an even more solid part of partying since I'm finally allowed! We also had a lot of other things to put into our mouths, like mudcake, chips, and candy! It was a pretty smooth night!

Now that I finally have a proper camera I love to take pictures of Hamlet! He is so precious!

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My friends were visiting Helsinki for LM.C's concert plus other things, and on Monday before leaving I hanged around with them! It was so nice, since I hardly ever see Rousuke or Ane. Ended up eating and taking pictures mostly, I guess.

Makeup for the day. I am rather proud of my hair, it looks good! Thanks to my new styling spray, that stuff is magic in a red bottle!

Me and Rousuke! Picture by Ane.

You cannot go on normally!

Ane-ue was kind enough to take pictures of me, so I'll have something to send to Morticia. You see, I'm applying to be a model for them. All this gothic stuff is kinda sinking on me, and if I can model there, I'll get "free" clothes and hairdye. That would be a lifesavior! Also I enjoy standing infront of the camera!

These are the two pictures I sent 'em. They asked for a full body picture and a face picture. I think those will be good.

Random home derping picture. I was trying to shoot my darker purple makeup I tried, but I just didn't gat anything good. Tho it was a rainy day so I know the lighting had it's spoon in the soup.

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I'll be starting my b-day money burning today! I found some MANIC PANIC lipsticks (black and blue) and I'm getting those! Also in the basket there'll be white hair extensions and I'm finally getting my Demonia 804 shoes! I managed to find sizes and the Patent color I wanted aka shiny leather. Prolly won't be long 'till mine and Sallamari's order to Bodyline.

Hilbro will be ordering some clothes from YesStyle if I understood righ and I'll be able to slip my skirt into that order, since it feels stupid to order just _one_ piece at a time.

I'm just rolling around in materia!


11th OF MAY

Yay! So today, officially at 00:50 time, I turned 18! I couldn't be more excited!!

So far I've enjoyed my day, I had some delicious b-day breakfast (smoothie and a raspberry pie) and then headed to school. At school the sweetest thing ever was waiting for me: the class room was dark and there on the sidetable a princess cake with two candles were waiting for me! It was so cute and we all had some cake together. Finished my posters and relaxed by going to the auditorium to see the graduation projects!
After school I hanged around at home and my grandparents came to visit me. Pretty soon after that I went to Kamppi with my sister to for a delicious sushi meal! Boy it was so good!! Right now I'm chilling at home and playing with my new camera! When mom came home from work she brought us 2 different cakes: Caramell and Passion fruit cheesecake.

My delicious sushi plate!

Todays sloppy makeup look. My hair is getting really dirty but I didn't have time to do anything about it ;_; Should be good enough.

Hohohoho, Tumblr on the background!

Tomorrow I'm going to Michaela's house with The Ladies and Albino to have a sall Barbeque I guess, a lot of alcohol and good things to eat. And hopefully music. There was also a plan about re-playing Heavy Rain, which is one of my favorite games of all time!

OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT! My Portal 2 finally arrived. I actually didn't get a picture of it, but it's now home. My mom actually bought it for me for Christmas, but it's been in the warehouse for this long XD So glad, I didn't even know I was getting such! So now I'll be playing a lot more! Hope to provife you some delicious screen shots, that game is just beautiful!



Hahahaaa, long time no update! That's mostly because I've been busy with school and I haven't had much to rant about. But now, just so I won't let my blog die completely I'm gonna post about the things I want atm, like clothes and such!

Intro: I'm turning 18 in less than a week, so I'm getting money then. That's why I'm so keen on getting new stuff. I can finally afford some nice clothes. Also we already ordered my new camera on Monday! I'm getting Canon EOS 1100D! It'll be my first proper camera and you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this! ;;__;;

So I've been making a shopping list for myself and my laptop bookmarks are full of all this cool stuff I can get with my money. Me and my mom already agreed on the money. I'm getting 1000€ (not normal in this house and I have never had that much money!!) and I'm gonna spend half of it and save the other half. Will propably go to my Traveling saving.

At first I though I'd get some brand clothes for once, but they are very expensive yet still. And after paying the camera and camera bag (which I already have) I don't have that much money left from 500€! So I decided to go for a cheaper option and strolled to Bodyline and YesStyle! No my math head is not that bad, I know I can't afford all the clothes on the picture, but I'm getting most and the rest will wait for further money. I'll be making the order with my friend who is also gonna be doing business with Bodyline.

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I think I have already told you of my dream shoes ;__; Yes, Jeffrey Campbell Delias! I don't even own shoes with very high heels and I feel that I need to have suck. And these are just dreamy! I really like JC's Lita shoes too, but I don't think they'd be my cup of tea. So here we have a pretty simular design but it's a bit more Karakuri. So one day when I get ritch I will get these! I even tried 'em on at Spiritstore in Helsinki, but okane ga nai.
Last Christmas I bought my very first high heels which can be seen right below. I think I was trying to cover up my love for Delias, since when I got home I notices that they have some simularities. My shoes just were much cheaper and not as much heel. Still not close enough! Tho they are good shoes!

I have also woken a love for Gothig shoes. I mean.. I think I'm going through some more Gothic phase rn. I feel like buying skirts and wearing clothes that aren't lolita or ouji. I also seem to be drawn to dark lipstick and darker makeup. I kinda feel like adding some more gothic details to my Ouji stuff. I think it would look good! I mean I dress up mostly in black, but just look at those shoes!! I really have a big need for stuff like this!

Well, I guess that's gonna be on my list for things that I'm gonna get later. Actually I don't even own knee-high boots. WHAT KINDA SHOES DO I OWN?? No high heels and no knee-highs. Damn me. Ps. Those shoes on the left would be a perfect sum up for my need for shoes..

Oh yeah, this reminds me of! Since I'm turning 18 very soon, I'm thinking about applying as a model for "different" clothing stores. Such as Morticia, CyberShop and BackStreet! I think it could actually be fun and I'd get gift sertificates to the stores. Also I'd get to see some of the new stuff before it hits online shops!

My love for makeup has been growing lately. My mom got us all some makeup brushes, and she's really into more powerfull and showy makeup nowdays. Last winter we got the 120 color eyeshadow palette, and now me, my sister and my mom are using it. I somehow managed to get her to try some green and blue and she is loving the colors. After I had a small trip to INGLOT the makeup stopre in Kluuvi, we all got inspired to get some more makeups and we ordered a big palette of natural shades such as browns, blacks and nudes. I'm also taking interest in lipsticks. Black or blue would be awesome!

Found something awesome from a Second hand shop! A real fox fur collar! I don't support killing animals for clothes, but I think second hand is different.This one had a stamp from 1918 and that time killing animals was kinda the way... I also have a fox tail and I found a white mink scarf from out Lake House. I plan on taking it to use at some point.

Have some Karakuri

I've never been out on May Day but now I did. These are all my awesome classmates and we spent our monday evening in Kaivopuisto. It was possibly the best time I've had in a looong time! We agreed to go again when the school year ends!