

So I've been mostly working on my school stuff, and a part from that was taking photos in a studio of on object you are gonna use on your Advertising project. Mine was my ultimate accessory baby, my pocket watch! Have some bad studio photos of my clock!

I love the pinion in the back!

Gotta have the Gray card on the photo, so I can edit the color balance later in Camera RAW

I took a lovely picture with Emmi. Oh God, we are pretty. And I feel so naked without my vest and scarf and shit. I've gotten used to being all clad in clothes, hiding myself now this feel weird and way too exposed! Help me!! The last picture of my red glitter nails I never even showed to you! Oh well, the are almost off now so I can start on my new ones. Don't worry, you missed nothing! They were pretty horrible @___@

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Buhahahah have my school face from yesterday! The only morning when I had time to put on some makeup and even do my hair! It's not like you can really see but I have turquoise and silver eyeshadow! Love my new eyeshadow set!! I should take some pictures of my materialism happiness soon. Only if I had a camera... 

Emmi bought me that battery, again! Love her forever for that!
Guess what I have been doing a lot lately: I've been watching anime again. Specially Death Note. I started re-watching it in school since it seems my entire class got drawn to it and Emmi re-watched it sooo... It was good to refresh my memory! Ofc I didn't waste my time on the boring beginning, I have that part as manga, so I started from the episode where Mello comes in as in the ep 27! Everything is Death Note and nothing hurts! I should work on that cosplay anyways...


EMPTY CASKET x 09112011

I found this beautiful jewelry trough Tumblrs giveaway. Empty Casket is giwing away for free one of their eye-rings and I just had to take part, it it sooo cute! Their other jewelry is so cool too! The eyes are creepy enough and very different. They also do cool earrings and necklaces! Really something I will be getting for myself when ever I have enough money! And these little devils are not even expensive!

I must have you!!

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Also, Emilie Autumn is coming to Finland!! This would be my first time seeing her live and I so wanna go there! The tickets are like 22€ which isn't even bad! All of her shows are so cool and I love her music and specially her style! So if I go I might see Kuhmu and my other friends~

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Now that I have time and I am in school near a webcam /because I don't have a camera anymore/ I'm gonna take some pictures of my face and my new crown purse that came in the mail just few days ago!

It is my first christmas present, ordered from eBay and it came from Gothic Lolita & Punk. I've been drooling over it for like a year and now I finally got it! I didn't even have a purse before this! It's gonna be my favorite bag from now on :>

I hope to get a camera from somewhere so I can take some cool pictures of my latest shoppings ;-; You see, my new Beauty Factory -Manly eyeshadows just came in yesterday and also I wanna get better pictures of this bad. Also I have a new vest in my closet and I'm gonna go shoe shopping any day now! I really need some warm winter boots and also I missing that warm winter jacket~!



So Halloween was last weekend and Our Comical Dreams -group held a photoshoot in Helsinki! I got invited to this photoshoot and ofc I wanted to go!! I love Halloween and dressing up. And specially doing the cool makeups and playing with fake blood!
I went there with a photoshootbrother Hilppa, we had a small story for us, I was going to be an older brother who was very violent and Hilppa was my unfortunate brother who got killed by me. So we got some really nice photos beating each other up! Sadly it was really cold outside and ofc we were photoshooting there for guite few hours, so at the end of the day I was freezing. Haven't been that cold in a long time.. Lucky we got a car ride back home from Hilbo's dad~!

I love that gasmask I got from my dad. It's the real Finnish Army gasmask and the gas is still in the tin! So in case of an emergency I have a working gasmask!

My full outfit. Even wearing that much I was super cold! Fingers were the worse!

And a single shot of me!

Notice the fact that I dyed my hair! :> It was the day before the photoshoot when I borrowed/got some red Crazy Color from Hilppa! The color is called "Vermillion Red" and I let it set for 2,5 hours. It is supposed to come out veeery red, but my hair wasn't blonde, it was light brown when I put on the dye. I did tha on purpose, yees. Becuase I was not aiming for perfect red hair, more for the orange. And I got it!

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Then a whole different business. Everybody knows how much I love my class! I mean really, I have the best class ever. And even more and more we are going stuff together, like going to cons, seeing after school, chatting on weekends, everything. Actually I'm going to DigiExpo with Linda! So being with these little furbals has become something really important. Does wonders to how well do I get up the bed and go to school in the morning!
One thing I think we all love doing is taking photos / modeling! So we have taken advantage of our studio classes and our school has it's own studio +all the cool studio gear! We've taken some really good photos but also when the teacher goeas for a coffee or we are out of real jobs, we take something whole alot else! XD also we have taken in some time from our lunch breaks or boring classes to go out and snap a few photos!

My school outfit just a few day ago. Short shorts even if it was fucking cold! Gotta sacrifice for looking good!

This is the lovely new vest I got from UFF! Cost me 4€ because of sales! I really love it, probably one of my new favorite pieces! I just need to slightly take it in from the back and maybe add some decoration and it's perfect!!

Me, Linda & Emmi
I am suck a wife beater!!

Baby Dave hanging from my vest! Linda made this one or me as as surprise to be found from my memory card!

And a single studio picture! This class we studied drawing out objects or models from a black background with a spotlight! It was so fun and holy jegus the size of that camera!!
Lovely Mara in the background trying to be greepy!