

After a long time of no meet-ups - at least for me - wonderful Evanee arrenged a meet-up to a really great sushi restaurant, Umeshu. Food was good and I think there was a small promise of a part two!

It's been such a long time since I last had the chance to really dress up nice and oh god did it feel good! It was also really nice to meet old friends and people I know, whom I last met at Helsinki Lolita Convention maybe. I need to do this more often and now that it's getting warm outside there are going to be more meet-ups. I'm hoping for themed ones!

I promise to make a post about my new clothes soon, there are a few!



I am sorry I haven't been updating in a long long time and my updates have been very short. I got a new laptop at the end of the year and I still don't have photoshop on it. So that's why no updates.

I am working my hardest to get back to blogging and I have so many nice things I want to show you! Once again, I am sorry.